

Round 13

Round Round Ref.
Round 13 EIDPS010
Mike Anthony Kragu Mwangi (£14,400)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
20/09/2005 - 19/09/2006
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Round 13 EIDPS009
Cristobal Briceno Urzua (£14,600)
University of Cambridge - Geog
01/09/2005 - 31/08/2006
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Round 13 EIDPS008
Daniela Leonor Weber Wyneken (£6,575)
RBGE - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
01/05/2005 - 31/03/2006
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Round 13 EIDPS007
Jorge Alberto Monterrosa Salomon (£5,225)
NHM - Natural History Museum
01/06/2005 - 31/05/2006
El Salvador
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Round 13 EIDPR050
Community co-management in the Villarica National Reserve (Chile) (£2,740)
University of Lancaster, CESAGen
01/09/2005 - 10/09/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR049
Strengthening local capacity for savanna conservation and management in Belize (£3,000)
University of Edinburgh
20/03/2006 - 31/03/2006
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Round 13 EIDPR048
Conservation of biodiversity of alpine non-timber forest products in Albania (£2,873)
Transrural Trust
26/09/2005 - 05/10/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR047
A botanic garden for school childre: a door into the world of nature (£2,970)
Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
23/07/2005 - 28/07/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR046
Conserving biodiversity of jellyfish marine lakes in Palau (£2,988)
University of St Andrews - Biology
12/06/2005 - 23/06/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR045
Bornean Clouded Leopard project (£2,280)
Global Canopy Programme (GCP)
09/08/2005 - 19/08/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR044
Conservation extension through distance learning for the Small Islands States of the Pacific (£2,920)
Aberystwyth University - ICPL
25/06/2005 - 03/07/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR043
Conservation and biodiversity of bryophytes in Central America (£1,490)
NHM - Natural History Museum
01/09/2005 - 08/09/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR042
Partnerships and priorities for new protected areas in Timor-Leste (£1,839)
Birdlife International
15/09/2005 - 27/09/2005
East Timor
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Round 13 EIDPR041
Green roofs for biodivresity in new urban development in China (£2,380)
University of Sheffield
15/11/2005 - 21/11/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR040
Rediscovering the guanaco (Lama Guanicoe) in the Paraguayan Chaco (£2,620)
JHI - The James Hutton Institute
23/05/2005 - 01/06/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR039
DEEPACT - Deepwater Environment & Ecosystem Programme for Angola Capacity Building and Training (£2,600)
University of Southampton - Oceanography
01/07/2005 - 31/07/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR038
Conservation & rural development programme for the Saxon villages areas of Transylvania, Romania (£2,800)
Grasslands Trust
15/06/2005 - 23/06/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR037
Community ethnofloras: promoting ethnolinguistic and biological diversity in Oaxaca, Mexico (£3,000)
GDF - Global Diversity Foundation
21/05/2005 - 30/05/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR036
Realising the conservation awareness potential of Sumatran elephant centres (£0)
Elephant Family
01/04/2009 - 31/03/2011
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Round 13 EIDPR035
Taxonomic capacity building to support marine algal biodiversity in Chile (£1,543)
NHM - Natural History Museum
21/11/2005 - 28/11/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR034
Ghost frog populations and natural water resources (£2,960)
Open University - BS
16/10/2005 - 05/11/2005
South Africa
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Round 13 EIDPR033
Towards a biodiversity strategy for Congo Brazzaville (£2,625)
University of Reading - CAER
01/06/2005 - 10/06/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR032
Conservation of aquatic bioodiversity in the Sagarmatha (Everest) National Park, Nepal (£970)
National Museums & Galleries of Wales
12/09/2005 - 27/09/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR031
Sustainable livelhoods through community bidiversity action (£1,330)
FSC - Field Studies Council
01/07/2005 - 31/07/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR030
Understanding the risks of development initiatives involving invasive alien plant species in Kenya (£2,098)
University of York, Biology
01/04/2009 - 31/03/2011
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Round 13 EIDPR029
Conservation of Ader's Duiker in Zanzibar (£2,896)
JHI - The James Hutton Institute
03/10/2005 - 11/10/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR028
Developing a bird ringing and monitoring scheme in Kenya (£2,560)
BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
01/09/2006 - 01/02/2007
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Round 13 EIDPR027
The Waria Valley Community conservation and sustainable livelihoods programme (£2,914)
CCC - Coral Cay Conservation
15/06/2005 - 28/06/2005
Papua New Guinea
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Round 13 EIDPR026
Integrating crane conservation with sustainable habitat utilisation (£2,520)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/08/2005 - 15/08/2005
South Africa
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Round 13 EIDPR025
Conservation of biodiversity in traditional West African vegetable species (£2,914)
Bangor University
12/06/2005 - 22/06/2005
Benin, Mali
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Round 13 EIDPR024
Ugandan land-snails - training, taxonomy, ecology and conservation (£2,340)
National Museums & Galleries of Wales
10/07/2005 - 17/07/2005
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Round 13 EIDPR023
Indigenous honey bees and Adivasi communities - a conservation and development programme (£3,000)
University of East Anglia - International Development
23/05/2005 - 01/06/2005
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Round 13 EIDPO010
Bat Conservation in Madagascar (£71,800)
University of Aberdeen - St Machar
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2007
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Round 13 EIDPO009
Consolidating local capacity for biodiversity surveys in Papua New Guinea (£70,687)
University of Sussex - SLS
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2007
Papua New Guinea
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Round 13 EIDPO008
Darwin Initiative For The Sustainable Use Of Sea Cucumbers In Egypt And The Red Sea (£80,176)
University of Hull
01/05/2005 - 31/10/2007
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Round 13 EIDPO007
Ensuring legacy and conservation impact within Kenya’s biodiversity monitoring network (£49,144)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007
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Round 13 EIDPO006
Flying the flagship: delivering the axolotl action plan at Xochimilco, Mexico (£47,590)
DICE - Durrell Institute of Conservation & Ecology
01/05/2005 - 31/03/2007
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Round 13 14-061
Important Bird Area conservation and capacity building in Central Asia (£193,593)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/11/2005 - 30/04/2009
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
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Round 13 14-060
Sustainable Management of Ornamental Fish Species in Mamiraua (£218,000)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/06/2005 - 31/03/2009
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Round 13 14-059
Certification to Support Conservation of Endangered Mexican Desert Cacti (£240,106)
University of Reading - Plant Sciences
01/09/2005 - 31/08/2008
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Round 13 14-058
Capacity Building for Sustainable Management of the Nicaraguan Pacific Northwest Region (£61,061)
SEE - Society for Environmental Exploration/Frontier
01/04/2005 - 30/09/2006
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Round 13 14-057
Conserving Coral Reefs Through Community Ownership and Enterprise in Indonesia (£149,954)
01/05/2005 - 30/04/2008
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Round 13 14-056
Cryoconservation Centre of Excellence for Sub-Saharan Africa (£168,852)
RBG Kew - Jodrell
01/07/2005 - 31/03/2008
South Africa
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Round 13 14-055
Developing a National Conservation Action Plan for the Mammals of Tanzania (£214,051)
IoZ - Institute of Zoology
01/07/2005 - 31/10/2008
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Round 13 14-054
Training the next generation of Papua New Guinea conservation biologists (£197,555)
University of Sussex - SLS
01/09/2005 - 31/08/2008
Papua New Guinea
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Round 13 14-053
Development of a Conservation Strategy for the Critically Endangered Mekong Giant Catfish (£86,752)
Imperial College
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2007
Cambodia, Thailand
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Round 13 14-052
Caspian Biodiversity Education (£154,375)
FSC - Field Studies Council
01/06/2005 - 30/09/2009
Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan
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Round 13 14-051
In Ivan's Wake: Darwin Initiative BAP for the Cayman Islands (£178,822)
University of Exeter
01/10/2005 - 31/10/2008
Cayman Islands
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Round 13 14-050
Africulture Centre (£251,604)
01/05/2005 - 30/09/2009
South Africa
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Round 13 14-049
Participatory Management of Priority Biodiversity Sites in Taraba State, Nigeria (£98,634)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/05/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 13 14-048
Galapagos Coral Conservation: Impact Mitigation, Mapping and Monitoring (£150,000)
University of Edinburgh - CECS
01/05/2005 - 30/06/2008
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Round 13 14-047
Tropical Andean Butterfly Diversity Project (£149,187)
UCL - University College London - Galton Lab
01/08/2005 - 30/06/2009
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
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Round 13 14-046
Sustainable Tourism Supporting Species Conservation in the Srepok Wilderness, Cambodia (£172,619)
01/05/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 13 14-045
Sustainable Support for Biodiversity and Forestry in Tomsk Taiga, Siberia (£163,200)
Tree Council
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
Russian Federation
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Round 13 14-044
Building a Bird Conservation and Environmental Network in China (£190,410)
Birdlife International
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 13 14-043
Mpingo Conservation Project - Community Forestry in Kilwa (£144,268)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/05/2005 - 30/04/2008
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Round 13 14-042
Supporting Southern Conservation NGOs to Work with the CBD: Uganda, Kenya, Paraguay, Brazil, Malaysia, Palau and Cook Islands (£142,560)
Birdlife International
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
Brazil, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand (Cook Islands), Palau, Paraguay, Uganda
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Round 13 14-041
Strengthening the Indian Bird Conservation Network to Safeguard Key Sites (£95,085)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008
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Round 13 14-040
Developing a Sustainable Conservation Network for Primates in Ecuador - PRIMENET (£236,270)
University of Sussex - SLS
01/06/2005 - 31/05/2008
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Round 13 14-039
Large-scale Habitat Mapping and Local Conservation Initiatives for Jerdon's Courser, India (£161,325)
University of Reading - CAER
01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008
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Round 13 14-038
Ha Long Bay Environmental Awareness Programme (£234,600)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/08/2005 - 31/07/2008
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Round 13 14-037
Building University Capacity to Train Future Cambodian Conservationists (£154,484)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/06/2005 - 01/10/2008
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Round 13 14-036
Conserving the Southeast Asian Guano Bat - Sustaining Livelihoods Across Borders (£142,661)
University of Aberdeen - St Machar
01/06/2005 - 31/05/2008
Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam
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Round 13 14-035
Strengthening Pro-Poor Wetland Conservation using Integrated Biodiversity and Livelihood Assessment (£274,256)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
01/10/2005 - 31/03/2009
Cambodia, Tanzania
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Round 13 14-034
A Biodiversity Conservation Training Programme for the Yaboti Biosphere Reserve (£141,130)
Eden Project - Bodelva
01/04/2005 - 30/11/2008
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Round 13 14-033
Darwin Training Programmes for Integrated Protected Area Management, Ghana (£180,542)
Living Earth Foundation
01/10/2005 - 30/09/2008
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Round 13 14-032
Conserving Biodiversity in the Modernising Farmed Landscapes of Uganda (£233,987)
BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
01/06/2005 - 31/03/2009
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Round 13 14-031
A Market-Led Conservation Response to the Domestic Bird-Trade in Indonesia (£196,438)
Environmental Change Institute
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 13 14-030
Going for Gold - Cordyceps Conservation in Bhutan (£204,936)
CABI International
01/05/2005 - 30/09/2008
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Round 13 14-029
Monitoring and Simulating Threats to Aquatic Biodiversity in the Okavango Delta (£189,841)
UCL - University College London
01/01/2006 - 30/04/2009
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Round 13 14-028
Conservation of Puna's Andean Cats Across National Borders (£157,968)
University of Oxford, WildCRU
01/10/2005 - 31/03/2009
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile
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Round 13 14-027
Enabling the People of Montserrat to Conserve the Centre Hills (£160,900)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/05/2005 - 30/06/2008
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Round 13 14-026
Horticulture and Education for Conservation in Nezahat Gokyigit Botanik Bahcesi (£132,013)
RBGE - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 13 14-025
Developing Integrated Assessment of Biodiversity in Secondary Forest in Belize (£168,291)
CEH - Lancaster
01/05/2005 - 31/03/2009
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Round 13 14-024
Afro-Asian Elephant Community Conservation Network (£188,188)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/06/2005 - 30/04/2008
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Round 13 14-023
Coral Gardens Caribbean: Stimulating Tourism and Fisher Support for Reef Conservation (£129,975)
Just World Partners
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
Honduras, Jamaica
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Round 13 14-022
Predictive Tools for Targeting Conservation Effort in Bornean Forest Reserves, Sabah (£128,560)
University of York, Biology
01/06/2005 - 30/09/2008
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Round 13 14-021
Large Carnivore Education Centre in the Pirin Mountains (£95,210)
Education for Conservation Ltd (E4C)
01/05/2005 - 30/03/2008
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Round 13 14-020
Network of Locally Managed Marine Protected Areas in Solomon Islands (£147,994)
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) - UK
01/07/2005 - 30/09/2008
Fiji, Solomon Islands
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Round 13 14-019
Youth Participation in Protected Area Management in Rodna Mountains (£163,691)
University of Oxford - Contracts
01/05/2005 - 30/04/2008
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Round 13 14-018
Capacity Building for Managing Eastern European High-Conservation Value Forests (£213,000)
Buckinghamshire New University
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 13 14-017
Tool-kits for the Sustainable Management of Ghana's Riverine Biodiversity (£188,816)
University of Liverpool
01/05/2005 - 31/12/2009
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Round 13 14-016
Assessing and Conserving Plant Diversity in Commercially Managed Tropical Rainforests, Sabah (£173,100)
RBG Kew - Jodrell
01/05/2005 - 30/04/2009
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Round 13 14-015
Conservation of Jiaozhou Bay: Biodiversity Assessment and Biomonitoring Using Ciliates (£137,897)
NHM - Natural History Museum, Entomology
01/11/2005 - 30/09/2009
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Round 13 14-014
Conservation of the Bornean Elephant (£239,997)
Cardiff University
01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008
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Round 13 14-013
Community Management of NTFPs in Kangchenjunga Conservation Area, Nepal (£170,100)
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) - UK
01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008
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Round 13 14-012
Iimbovane Outreach Project: Exploring South African Biodiversity and Change (£286,892)
University of Sheffield
01/10/2005 - 31/12/2008
South Africa
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Round 13 14-011
Taxonomic Initiative for Southeast Asian Bat Studies: Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Lao PDR (£139,800)
Harrison Institute
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
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Round 13 14-010
Facilitating Forest Restoration for Biodiversity Recovery in Indochina (£169,653)
East Malling Research
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
Cambodia, China, Laos
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Round 13 14-009
Biodiversity Monitoring in Forest Ecosystems in Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia (£155,730)
University of Aberdeen - St Machar
01/09/2005 - 31/03/2009
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Round 13 14-008
The Darwin Initiative Centre for Bat Conservation in China (£112,000)
University of Bristol
01/07/2005 - 31/10/2008
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Round 13 14-007
Community Action for Sustainable use and Conservation of Coral Reefs, Malaysia (£140,000)
MCS - Marine Conservation Society
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 13 14-006
Conservation of Small Vertebrates in the Tsingy Bemaraha National Park, Madagascar (£161,100)
University of Aberdeen - St Machar
01/10/2005 - 30/09/2008
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Round 13 14-005
Conservation of Pakistan's Marine Cetacean Biodiversity and Pelagic Environment (£167,308)
University of London, University Marine Biological Station - UMBS
01/10/2005 - 30/09/2008
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Round 13 14-004
A Biodiversity monitoring system for Trinidad and Tobago (£264,500)
University of Oxford - Plants
01/07/2005 - 31/01/2009
Trinidad and Tobago
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Round 13 14-003
Sustainable insect collecting and farming in Papua New Guinea (£177,310)
University of Cambridge - Research Services
01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008
Papua New Guinea
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Round 13 14-002
Environmental educational programme promoting biodiversity conservation on Socotra, Yemen (£186,440)
University of Durham
01/07/2005 - 30/09/2009
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Round 13 14-001
Conservation and Monitoring of Meso-American Orchids (£151,900)
RBG Kew - Jodrell
01/06/2005 - 31/05/2008
Costa Rica
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