To prepare for the establishment of a regional identification service for fungi in the Caribbean, carry out field work and produce a checklist and conservation plans for the fungi.
18 people received one/several weeks training, about 50 training weeks; course manual; Checklist of Fungi of the Caribbean (Draft); at least 14 papers published or accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals; 2 national strategies; 1 guide to the identification of microfungi on sugar cane; at least 9 databases developed; hundreds of collections in more than 30,000 items have been enhanced by computerisation of label data and by re-examination/improvement of the quality of identification.1 person to finish MPhil
Project News
17 February 2025
2025 DEC Chair Recruitment
Exciting news - we're recruiting for a Chair for the Darwin Initiative Expert Committee (DEC). Find out how to apply by clicking below.