Securing healthy baobab populations through efficient fruit harvesting and use
Key Facts
VALUE £207,203
WHERE Madagascar
At three pilot sites we will establish a sustainable trade of Grandidier’s baobab (Adansonia grandidieri) fruits in order to improve regeneration in the wild and reduce poverty and malnutrition in local communities. To do this, we will reinforce baobab populations and integrate sustainable harvesting agreements into existing co-management plans. In parallel, we will empower communities to collect, process and trade baobab products to existing markets. As a co-benefit, we will improve access to nutritious baobab powders through the hungry months. Sustainable use and management of baobab fruits derive increased income and improved nutrition at three communities in western Madagascar, contributing to eventual increased regeneration of Adansonia grandidieri in the wild.
Direction Régionale de l’Ecologie, de l’Environnement et des Forêts (DREEF) Menabe, Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK, Label CBD Consulting (LCBD)